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How to have separate emails for forms

Imagine you have a big N.nu website with many pages and you have several different custom contact forms on different pages. Now you want to have seperate email destination for each contact form, how do you do?

First you need to connect your domain and you need to setup either forward of email or an email box for each of the destinations on your domain, example: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] etc.

Then in each of the custom contact form you include the following line:

<input name="destination_email" type="hidden" value="xxx">

Replace xxx with offers, complaints, abuse, hr or whatever you want to use. This is the part of the email before the @. Only characters with a-z and numbers will work.

Then the email will be sent to that email specified instead of the email that is specified in the settings.

This solution will not work if you have your N.nu on a subdomain (rare cases).

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